Cooper Schall & Levy’s Guide to Pennsylvania’s
MCARE & Medical Malpractice
in Philadelphia

Medical malpractice is a distressing reality since it involves negligence on the part of the professionals we trust with our lives and the lives of our loved ones. At Cooper Schall & Levy, one of the leading medical malpractice law practices in the Philadelphia area, we are dedicated to providing our clients with successful representation as we have done for decades. To this end, we want to show you an infographic about MCARE, the special fund that ensures reasonable compensation for those harmed by medical malpractice.
What is MCARE?
MCARE stands for…
Reduction of Error Fund

This is what is known as MCARE.
Introduced in 2002, the bill was an attempt to curb Pennsylvania’s increasing malpractice insurance costs and prevent doctors from leaving the state.
What does MCARE do?

Requires that participating providers and hospitals carry a minimum of $500k in malpractice coverage per occurrence or claim.

Allows patients to sue for medical malpractice only in the county where the alleged injury happened and not at any provider operated
The MCARE Fund also provides an efficient, neutral and broadly accepted alternative dispute platform that allows for the more efficient resolution of claims
How is MCARE funded?
The MCARE Fund receives no general fund appropriations from taxpayer contributions.
of punitive damages awards must be given to the MCARE Fund
Medical malpractice punitive damages cannot exceed
How are damages awarded?
MCARE requires that participating providers and hospitals carry a minimum of $500k in coverage per occurrence or claim
Health Insurance providers and hospitals carry a minimum of $500k in coverage per occurrence claim
MCARE Fund pays an additional $500k per hospital and health insurance claim after those 2 parties have tendered their $500k
Of 17Philadelphia medical malpractice verdicts in 2019...

sided with the defendent

received less than $500K

recieved between $500K and $1M

recieved between $1M and $5M

recieved between $5M and $10M

recieved over $10M
Hopefully, this infographic has given you a clearer understanding of the basics of MCARE and shown you how your case fits into the larger picture of medical malpractice cases. As you can see, over half of medical malpractice lawsuits are won by plaintiffs. If you or a member of your family has been harmed by medical malpractice, you need the services of the medical malpractice attorneys at Cooper Schall & Levy. Our team is not only skilled and compassionate, but has a fine record of positive outcomes.